The Biker & Activist
The Biker & Activist
The Biker & Activist
“Everyone deserves a second chance once they complete their sentence.”
—Rogue, FRRC Member
“Everyone deserves a second chance once they complete their sentence.”
—Rogue, FRRC Member
Biker, Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee, expert mechanic, published writer, and photojournalist, these titles all describe Rev. John, or “Rogue,” as he’s known in the biker world. But there is one other title that this returning citizen (formerly convicted person) takes special pride in having – voting rights advocate.
Biker, Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee, expert mechanic, published writer, and photojournalist, these titles all describe Rev. John, or “Rogue,” as he’s known in the biker world. But there is one other title that this returning citizen (formerly convicted person) takes special pride in having – voting rights advocate.
Rogue’s story is unique. Though he has a past conviction, he never lost his right to vote. Through clever negotiation tactics, he was allowed to keep the sacred right to vote as part of a plea bargain, a rare occurrence in the American criminal legal system.
Before sentencing in his case, Rogue had already started advocating for bikers’ rights. He knew the power of a single ballot. He understood that without his voting rights, he would lose the ability to hold elected officials accountable and protect the civil liberties of those in his community.
Rogue’s story is unique. Though he has a past conviction, he never lost his right to vote. Through clever negotiation tactics, he was allowed to keep the sacred right to vote as part of a plea bargain, a rare occurrence in the American criminal legal system.
Before sentencing in his case, Rogue had already started advocating for bikers’ rights. He knew the power of a single ballot. He understood that without his voting rights, he would lose the ability to hold elected officials accountable and protect the civil liberties of those in his community.
Today, Rogue helps bikers recently released from prison seek employment and regain their voting rights. He encourages them to become civically engaged and advocate on behalf of the biker community. He also supports FRRC’s efforts to have the state fix Florida’s broken election system and be responsible for determining a returning citizen’s voter eligibility status on the front end of the election process. This advocacy work aims to ensure that no more people are arrested and prosecuted for registering and voting after receiving state-issued voter identification cards.
Today, Rogue helps bikers recently released from prison seek employment and regain their voting rights. He encourages them to become civically engaged and advocate on behalf of the biker community. He also supports FRRC’s efforts to have the state fix Florida’s broken election system and be responsible for determining a returning citizen’s voter eligibility status on the front end of the election process. This advocacy work aims to ensure that no more people are arrested and prosecuted for registering and voting after receiving state-issued voter identification cards.
Rogue’s story is a testament to the power of second chances and the importance of voting. He says, “I want to see anybody come up and tell me that they’ve never made a mistake, and I’m gonna call them a liar… Everyone deserves a second chance once they complete their sentence.”
Rogue’s story is a testament to the power of second chances and the importance of voting. He says, “I want to see anybody come up and tell me that they’ve never made a mistake, and I’m gonna call them a liar… Everyone deserves a second chance once they complete their sentence.”
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“Everyone deserves a second chance once they complete their sentence.”
—Rogue, FRRC Member
Biker, Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame inductee, expert mechanic, published writer, and photojournalist, these titles all describe Rev. John, or “Rogue,” as he’s known in the biker world. But there is one other title that this returning citizen (formerly convicted person) takes special pride in having – voting rights advocate.
Rogue’s story is unique. Though he has a past conviction, he never lost his right to vote. Through clever negotiation tactics, he was allowed to keep the sacred right to vote as part of a plea bargain, a rare occurrence in the American criminal legal system.
Before sentencing in his case, Rogue had already started advocating for bikers’ rights. He knew the power of a single ballot. He understood that without his voting rights, he would lose the ability to hold elected officials accountable and protect the civil liberties of those in his community.
Today, Rogue helps bikers recently released from prison seek employment and regain their voting rights. He encourages them to become civically engaged and advocate on behalf of the biker community.

He also supports FRRC’s efforts to have the state fix Florida’s broken election system and be responsible for determining a returning citizen’s voter eligibility status on the front end of the election process. This advocacy work aims to ensure that no more people are arrested and prosecuted for registering and voting after receiving state-issued voter identification cards.
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